nilo | Date: Friday, 2008-11-07, 11:09 AM | Message # 1 |
Colonel general
Group: ML` Members
Messages: 15
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| Required Programs : Server Files : 1st Database Guide Quote Creating New Database For SQL Express 2005 1. on SQL Server Script Open your RanGame1.sql, SQL Management Studio will open automatically. 2. Press Connect.. 3. then Press Execute[!], wait until analyzing is complete. 4. Refresh on database. 5. Same on RanLog.sql, RanShop.sql and RanUser.sql For SQL Server 2000 1. On Enterprise manager , Open Query Analyzer. 2. Open RanGame1.sql 3. then Press Execute[!] or Play button, wait until analyzing is complete 4. Same on RanLog.sql, RanShop.sql and RanUser.sql OR Restoring Backup Database 1. Open MSSQL Management Studio 2005 2. Login using Windows Authentication 3. Right click Database, Select New Database 4. Create New Database from this name's RanShop, RanLog, RanUser 5. Create New Datavase for RanGame1 and Set Logical name RanGame1P_Data, RanGame1_log and Click Add and Set it to RanGame1S_Data , click OK 6. Right click RanGame1, Select Task > Restore > Database 7. Chose From Device , Click Button , Click Add , add the rangame1.bak 8. Check rangame1 then go to Options 9. In Restore Options check the Overwrite existing database 10. click OK 11. Repeat #6, Same on RanUser, RanShop and RanLog 2nd ODBC Settings Quote This is an Automatic Registry Setup for your ODBC. you do not need to configure it manually. Just chose your SQL version, Download it and press right click then Press Merge. for Users using SQL 2005 Express - updated ODBC Settings For SQL 2005 for Users using SQL 2000 -updated for Users using SQL 2000 -updated 3rd How to configure RAN Server Files? Quote 1. Open CFG folder inside your ran server (example: D:\ranserver\cfg\) 2. Open agent.ini ,session.ini,field0.ini and login.ini with notepad. 3. Change to your IP Address (example: - LAN IP) or Change if you have to play offline 4. Do it the same procedure to field, login, and session. 5. You have now your RAN server config success. Note: odbc_user and odbc_pass can also be empty if it is Windows Authentication 4th How to configure DATA folder of your RAN Server? Quote 1. Go to Data folder of your client. (Usually it is in C:\Program files\RANOnline\data\) 2. Copy this following folder from your client to server data folder Animation Editor Effect Glogic Gui Map Object Piece Skeleton Skin SkinObject (this folders are found in your client data folder) 3. Double check your settings. 4. You are now ready to run the ran server. 5th How to run RAN Server? Quote 1. Session Server 2. Login Server 3. Field Server(s) 4. Agent Server EP4 Game Commands for GM Quote Events: /eventexp_begin [1-9999999%] /eventexp_end /eventitem_begin [1-9999999%] /eventitem_end /eventmoney_begin [1-9999999%] /eventmoney_end /event_ex_begin [speed/aspeed/attack] /event_ex_end [speed/aspeed/attack] Fun: /bighead [on / off] = All Online Characters in Bighead /bighand [on / off] = All Online Characters in Big Hands(same as weapons too) Characters Managements: /kickuser [CharID] = allows to disconnect user /charinfo_ci [CharID] = Shows the character information by character ID /charinfo_cn [CharName] = Shows the character information by character name /chatblock_ci [CharID, minute] = block character in minutes by character ID /chatblock_cn [CharName, minute] = block character in minutes by character name /chatblock_ua [uaccount, minute] = block character in minutes by user acount /genchar_ci [charID] /genchar_cn [CharName] Move commands: /move2char_cn [CharName] = Move to Online Character /move2char_ci [CharName] = Move to Online Character /m2c_ci [CharID] /m2c_cn [Charname] /move2gate [0-99] = Move to available map gate /m2g [0-99] /move2pos [##,##,X,Y] = Move to a coordinate /m2p [##,##,X,Y] Note: maps code (#) can be found on maps.list or maps.ini Other Commands: /server [delay/level1/level2/force/shutdown] /weather [clear/snow/begin/spore/leave] /freepk_on /freepk_off /warning_msg [on/off] /profile [on/off] /pk_mode [on/off] /visible [on/off] = character visibility /month [1-12] = Set Month in number /time [1-24] = Set Time in 24 hour clock /itemhold /mob_del_ex /mob_del /mob_gen_ex /mob_gen /where_npc /dsp /for /whois /? = Emote Icons Summoning Mobs: /mob_gen 62,2,14,14 the 62,2 is the mobID that can be found on CrowStrTable.txt while the 14,14 is the coordinates that can be seen on top of screen compass Loading & Unloading Event Maps in Game /lev_new [filename.Lev] = Load Event Map /lev_del = UnLoad Event Map Lev files can be found inside the level.rcc file you can open the file using winrar program GM Character Edit Settings (GMCharEdit.exe) Quote Open up your SQL Manager, go to the RanUser database. Now, Open ServerGroup table. Fill in this Column SGNum : 0 SGName : IaNz Server ( you can put any name u want ) OdbcName : RanGame1 OdbcUserID : sa OdbcPassword : 1234 OdbcLogName : RanLog OdbcLogUserID : sa OdbcLogPassword : 1234 When done, Open ServerInfo table in the RanUser database. put these values. For Windows Authentication user and pass is not needed. SGNum : 0 SvrNum : 0 SvrType : 4 Now, run the GMCharEdit. If this is your first time running it you'll see 4 fields to input information. First field : RanUser Second field : sa Third field : 1234 Fourth field : 1234 For Windows Authentication user and pass is not needed. Creating an account set UserType = 32 on UserInfo table for GM and UserType = 1 for Users Only on Ep4 database, you notice that the password is code instead of word thats the new changes on Ep4 database you must convert your password to a code known as MD5 Hash ex: Password | MD5 Hash Code 123456 = E10ADC3949BA59ABBE5 test = 098F6BCD4621D373CAD ianz = 0948D2350A28EEB4B3B pdf = BCD1B68617759B1DFCF Trigger Codes (Optional) -------------------------------------------- Here's the Trigger Code for Starting Character Level,Stats,Skill Points,Money and etc... HERE ARE THE STEPS... 1. Open/Login you SQL Server Management Studio 2. Expand the Databases 3. Right click the RanGame1 4. Select New Queries 5. Put this code Quote set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ====================================================== -- Author: IaNz -- Create date: --,--,-- -- Description: Starting Character Level,Skill and Stat Points -- Dex,Pow,Int,Vit,Stm and Money -- Note : If you have existing trigger replace CREATE TRIGGER -- to ALTER TRIGGER -- ====================================================== CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[NewChar_Level] ON [dbo].[ChaInfo] after update as BEGIN Update [ChaInfo] set [ChaInfo].ChaLevel=100 From Inserted Where Inserted.ChaLevel = 1 and [ChaInfo].ChaName=inserted.ChaName and [ChaInfo].UserNum =inserted.UserNum Update [ChaInfo] set [ChaInfo].ChaSkillPoint=1500 From Inserted Where Inserted.ChaSkillPoint = 0 and [ChaInfo].ChaName=inserted.ChaName and [ChaInfo].UserNum =inserted.UserNum Update [ChaInfo] set [ChaInfo].ChaStRemain=1500 From Inserted Where Inserted.ChaStRemain = 3 and [ChaInfo].ChaName=inserted.ChaName and [ChaInfo].UserNum =inserted.UserNum Update [ChaInfo] set [ChaInfo].ChaMoney=1000000 From Inserted Where Inserted.ChaMoney = 0 and [ChaInfo].ChaName=inserted.ChaName and [ChaInfo].UserNum =inserted.UserNum END EXTRA TOOLS FOR EDITING DOWNLOAD :Download Here Inside : Hex Editor , RANFE, DOS Decryptor & Encryptor
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nilo | Date: Friday, 2008-11-07, 11:15 AM | Message # 2 |
Colonel general
Group: ML` Members
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
| cool
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malufet | Date: Sunday, 2008-11-09, 7:16 PM | Message # 3 |
Group: ML` Administrators
Messages: 26
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<--- Please Support My Dragon... Just Simply Click The ICON!!
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malufet | Date: Wednesday, 2008-11-19, 5:01 PM | Message # 4 |
Group: ML` Administrators
Messages: 26
Status: Offline
| Is there any questionz?...
<--- Please Support My Dragon... Just Simply Click The ICON!!
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